# Auto Pages

# Preface

我在 这里 发现了原项目, 并发现原作者是 yanglbme, 在原项目的基础上,我进行了一些修改,以更好地集成到 vuepress 项目中去

# Usage

这里我强制要求添加 .auto-pages.json 到 .gitignore 中, 毕竟你也一定不希望你的 账号 和 密码 被公之于众

# create .auto-pages.json in your project, with following information
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "repo": "xiaminghu/project",
  "branch": "gh-pages",
  "directory": "",
  "https": true

# then add .auto-pages.json to .gitignore

# install required python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

# run the python scripts, the second parameter is the base_dir(relative/absolute) where .auto-pages.json is saved
python auto-pages.py
python auto-pages.py repos/docs
python auto-pages.py E:/projects/nodejs/docs/repos/docs